Requirements for city housing are as follows:
- Individuals bearing residence or working in Koka City
- Individuals not defaulting payment on city taxes
- Individuals whose monthly income does not exceed the following:
- 158,000 yen General households
- 214,000 yen Handicapped/Senior Citizens
- Those where they are clearly living in their residence in a state of poverty
- Applicants and shared residents who do not belong to the mafia, yakuza, etc.
Contact Information
Public Housing Manager (Koei Jutaku Tanto)
Management Division (Kanri-ka)
Construction Department (Kensetsu-bu)
Minakuchi City Office, 2nd FL
TEL: 0748-65-0609
FAX: 0748-63-4601
The Hello Work Foreigner Job Consultation Corner (Gaikokujin Shushoku Sodan Corner) has opened for foreign residents living (or working) in the cities of Koka and Konan.
Portuguese is available for those interested in job consultation or applying for work. Hello Work personnel will be accompanied by a Portuguese-speaking interpreter for your consultation. Please feel free to make use of this service (You will be directed to special consultation centers as necessary).
Suntopia Minakuchi Labor & Youth Light Exercise Room
(Santopia Minakuchi Kinro Seishonen Home Kei-Undo-Shitsu)
Every Wednesday, 1:00-4:00p.m.
Sit down interview
**First come, first serve
(No phone consultation)
Job consultation, consultation on labor conditions and unemployment insurance, etc.
(It is also possible to be directed to specialist consulting or relevant facilities)
**Hello Work handles the unemployment insurance process. You cannot complete this process at this consultation corner.
Cautionary Items
No reservation necessary.
No consultation on holidays.
No translation or interpretation will occur outside of consultation.
Depending on wait at the reception desk you may be required to wait for extended periods of time or may not be received at all.
Contact Information
Hello Work Koka
Employment Consultation Division (Shokugyo Sodan Bumon)
TEL 0748-62-0651
Industry and Economy Department (Sangyo Keizai-bu)
Commerce and Tourism Division (Shoko Kanko-ka)
Labor Administration Coordinator (Rosei Tanto)
TEL 0748-65-0710 FAX 0748-63-4087