Child Support is an allowance distributed in hopes of the healthy development of children in households where the father is not present due to divorce; the child(ren) are being raised by someone in lieu of the biological mother; or in instances where the child's paternal parent suffers from severe physical handicaps, etc.
〇 Who Qualifies for Receipt of Child Support Allowances
Maternal parents in custody of children who correspond with the following conditions, or those rearing a child in lieu of the maternal parent (the 'caregiver') are qualified to receive the allowances for child support.
Furthermore, the term 'child' shall apply until the first March 31st of the year age 18 is reached (the end of the fiscal year the individual turns 18). Additionally, child support may be received up to age 20 if mental or physical handicaps exceed moderate levels (equivalent to level 2 handicaps for Special Handicapped Child Support [Tokubetsu Jido Fuyo Teate]).
- Children not living with paternal parent following divorce.
- Children whose father is deceased.
- Children whose father is severely handicapped.
- Children whose father's circumstances are unclear or unknown.
- Children abandoned by their paternal parent for a year or longer.
- Children whose father has been and continues to be detained for a year or longer.
- Children conceived by their maternal parent illegitimately (out of wedlock).
- Children whose maternal parent's circumstances become unknown at the time of conception.
〇 Circumstances Where the Allowance Will Not Be Paid
- When the qualified child or mother/caregiver receiving payment qualifies for public pension (kouteki nenkin, excludes senior citizen welfare pension), or family bereavement compensation according to the Labor Standards Act (Rodo Kijun-ho)
- When children are entrusted with foster parents, or have been enrolled into child welfare facilities, etc.
- When children qualify for additions to the handicapped or impaired paternal parent's public pension.
- When the child, mother, or caregiver are no longer living within Japan.
- When the mother marries (this includes circumstances where conditions are the same as a married relationship but the marriage is not filed)
- When the child begins living with the paternal parent.
- When the allowance has not been claimed after 5 years of applying to provision conditions (allowance claim may be possible if provision conditions have been met due to divorce or other reasons on April 1st, 2003).
〇 Child Support Allowance Amounts (Revised as of 4/2006)
Full allowance |
41,720 yen/mo. |
Partial allowance |
9,880 - 41,710 yen/mo. |
(Note) Payment amounts increase an additional 5,000 yen for two (2) children, and 3,000 yen for three (3) or more.
〇 Salary/Income Limits
- If income or salary levels of the year prior exceed those listed below, child support allowances from August to July of the following year will be suspended partially or in full (if applying between January and June, income levels from two fiscal years prior).
No. of Independents |
Spouse, Obligor, Caregiver |
Full Allowance |
Partial Allowance |
0 |
190,000 yen |
1,920,000 yen |
2,360,000 yen |
1 |
570,000 yen |
2,300,000 yen |
2,740,000 yen |
2 |
950,000 yen |
2,680,000 yen |
3,120,000 yen |
3 or more |
+380,000 yen for each additional |
+380,000 yen for each additional |
+380,000 yen for each additional |
〇 Additions to Credit Limit
- 1. Applicant
- Spouses qualifying for senior deductions & senior relative dependents: 100,000 yen per person
Special relative dependents: 150,000 yen per person.
- 2. Obligor, etc.
- Senior relative dependents: 60,000 yen per person
(However, subtract the amount for one person in the event all dependents are senior citizens)
※ How to Calculate Your Earnings
- Earnings Amount= Annual Income - Necessary Expenses (Deductions from Annual Income) + Childcare Expenses* - 80,000 yen - (deductions listed above)
(*Childcare Expenses include 80% of the sum of the goods and moneys collected as expenses from the child's father as child support.)
Please deduct any of the following corresponding items below from the income amount:
Deduction Items
Handicapped deduction
Shogaisha Kojo |
270,000 yen |
Special handicapped deduction
Tokubetsu Shogaisha Kojo |
400,000 yen |
Student worker deduction
Kinro Gakusei Kojo |
270,000 yen |
Special spouse deduction (Haigusha Tokubetsu Kojo) |
330,000 yen max.
Medical expense deduction (Iryohi Kojo), Small business aid installment deduction (Shokiba Kigyo Kyosai Kakekin Kojo), etc. |
The amount after deducting local taxes |
Social insurance fee deduction (Shakai Hoken-ryo Kojo), Life insurance fee deduction equivalent (Seimei Hoken-ryo Kojo Soto-gaku) |
80,000 yen |
〇 Child Support Allowance Pay Dates
The allowance is paid on the month following the month of the day the authorization request is made, on April 11th, August 11th, and December 11th until all 3 payments are made. (Allowance pay dates are shifted over in the event of weekends and holidays.)
〇 Child Support Allowance Receipt Process
Please complete the authorization request at the Koka City Hall Reception (Madoguchi) Center, a local city branch office, or the Social Welfare Department (Shakai Fukushi-ka). Allowance will be paid pending Mayor approval.
〇 Filings for Those Receiving the Child Support Allowance
While receiving the Child Support Allowance, it is required to file the following:
Status Notification
Genkyo Todoke
All recipients must file this notification between August 1st through 31st of each year. |
Status Loss Notification
Shikaku Soshitsu Todoke
In the event recipient status is lost. |
Allowance Amount Revision Notice; Invoicing
Gaku-kaitei Todoke; Seikyu-sho
In the event there is an alteration to the number of qualifying children. |
Loss Certificate Notice
Shosho Boshitsu Todoke
In the event Allowance Certificate (Teate Shosho) is lost. |
Other Notices
In the event of name, address, or bank account information changes; recipient death; change to residence of one with high capacity of providing support or separation |
In the event of late or incomplete filing, Child Support Allowance receipt may be delayed, suspended, or the return of received payments may be requested. Please do not forget to file accordingly.
〇 Notes of Caution
Under any of the following circumstances, the Status Loss Notice (Shikaku Soshitsu Todoke) must be submitted as such conditions disqualify Child Support Allowance recipient status. If notification is not filed and payment continues to be received, please caution that the forfeit of all credited allowances during that period will be required.
- In the event the maternal parent receiving child support payment marries (de-facto marriage and shared residence is also included. This includes bearing residence with male person(s) outside of parents and siblings, or if the residence is separate from your own but you are living together.)
- When custody and care of the qualified child is lost (includes admission into facilities; entrustment to foster parents; marriage)
- In the event one qualifies for national pension, welfare pension, or other forms of pension or public annuity.
- In the event the paternal parent of an abandoned child returns (this includes phone, letter, or other forms of contact from paternal parent regarding well-being)
- In the event the qualified child becomes able to live with the paternal parent (this includes instances where the child shares the same address as the father or the father's detainment period ends)
- Other circumstances in which one no longer corresponds with requirements for receipt of the allowance
Allowance Certificate (Teate Shosho )
This certificate cannot be distributed or pledged to individuals other than the original recipient.
Penal Regulations
Individuals receiving the Child Support Allowance by providing false information or through illegal means shall be penalized with up to 3 years of confinement or penalty fees of up to 300,000 yen.
〇 Regarding Legal Amendments to the Child Support Allowance
The allowance for maternal parents receiving aid will be partially reduced 5 years after issuance of the allowance begins, or 7 years after fulfilling the qualifications for allowance receipt.
In the event the allowance is already being received in advance of the execution of this amendment (April 1st, 2003), allowance reduction will occur beginning April 1st, 2008.
Contact Information
Department of Health & Welfare (Kenko Fukushi-bu)
Social Welfare Division (Shakai Fukushi-ka )
Child Support Allowance Coordinator
TEL: 0748-65-0705
FAX: 0748-63-4085
Under child welfare laws, daycare centers are facilities for the purpose of providing care for children whose parents cannot care for the children at home themselves, due to work or other reasons.
〇 Terms for Enrollment
Those who can enroll into daycare services are those children whose parents/guardians for any of the following reasons listed below cannot raise their child:
- When the parent/guardian is not at home regularly due to work
- When the parent/guardian is at home, but separated from the child regularly for work outside of household chores
- When the parent/guardian is pregnant or has no time post-childbirth
- When the parent/guardian suffers from chronic illness or mental or physical handicap
- When recovering from earthquake, flooding, fire, or other damage
- If you bear any conditions similar to those listed above and receive the Mayor's approval
** Your priority on the waiting list for enrollment to daycare facilities will be inspected depending on your reasons for enrollment. Furthermore, based on this reasons the period of enforcement will vary. For further information, please view the Enrollment Standards Index (107 KB pdf, Japanese only) .
〇 Daycare Hours
- Weekdays: 7:30am~6:30pm
- Saturdays: 8:30~11:30am
〇 Daycare Fees
Decisions are made based on the both the child's age and household income levels. Daycare fees for 2nd born children are half of the base fee, and 10% of the base fee for 3rd born children or younger.
For more information, please view the
Fee Standards Sheet (148KB PDF, Japanese only).
〇 Extended-Hours Daycare
- Weekdays: 6:30~7:00pm
- Saturdays: 7:30~8:30am, 11:30am~7:00pm
** This program is enforced in more than one daycare facility per district (Minakuchi, Tsuchiyama, Konan, Koka, Shigaraki). However, enforced hours vary depending on the school.
〇 Enrollment Process, Consultation
The application period for the new year at daycare centers will be announced in the September 15th edition of "Hokoku Ai-Koka," the city's public newsletter.
Enrollment into a daycare beginning in April occurs during the reception period the year prior. Those who wish to consult about enrolling mid-year due to postpartum, beginning of maternity leave, or work may do so throughout the year. However, there may be an enrollment waiting period due to reasons involving capacity.
〇 Enrollment Application Paperwork, Related Form Downloads
- 2009~2010 Daycare Enrollment Application (Hoiku-en Nyu-en Moshikomi-sho, 176kb PDF, Japanese only)
- Work Status Verification Form (Shuro Jokyo Shomei-sho, 84kb PDF, Japanese only)
- Daycare Pledge Form (Kakuyaku-sho, 124kb PDF, Japanese only)
- Declaration of Agriculture Form (Nogyo Moshitate-sho, 176kb PDF, Japanese only)
- Declaration of Nursing (Kaigo/Kango no Moshitate-sho, 176kb PDF, Japanese only)
Contact Information
Preschool Education Division (Kodomo Mirai-ka)
Board of Education(Kyoiku Iinkai)
Child Support Allowance Coordinator
TEL: 0748-86-8179
FAX: 0748-86-8380