


Kawasemi Course (Japanese Introductory Course)

About Elementary & Junior High School

School Entrance Health Exam Notice (Shugaku-ji Kenko Shindan Tsuchi-sho)
A notification will be sent in September the year prior to entering elementary school, and a physical exam will be held between October and November.
Entrance Notice
Notification will be sent during the last third of January the year the student is admitted into elementary or junior high school. Please contact the School Education Division (Gakko-kyoiku-ka) if any of the following apply:
You have not received your School Entrance Notice
If entry into the schooling system will be delayed due to illness or other reasons
You wish to attend an elementary or junior high school outside of the Koka public school system
School Admission (When transferring to schools from out of town)
After completing the relevant moving procedures at your regional branch office reception window (madoguchi), bring the following documentation to the specified school as notification: the "Admission Permission Notice (Tennyu Kyoka Tsuchi-sho)" issued by the Local Reception Window Division (Chi-iki Madoguchi-ka); and the "Certificate of Student Status (Zaigaku Shomei-sho)" and "Textbook Wage Certificate (Kyoka-yo Tosho Kyuyo Shomei-sho)" issued by your former school.
School Dismissal (When transferring to schools out of town)
After completing the relevant moving procedures at your regional branch office reception window (madoguchi), submit the "Dismissal Permission Notice (Tenshutsu Kyoka Tsuchi-sho)" issued by the Local Reception Window Division (Chi-iki Madoguchi-ka) to your former school; obtain the "Certificate of Student Status/Student ID (Zaigaku Shomei-sho)" and "Textbook Wage Certificate (Kyoka-yo Tosho Kyuyo Shomei-sho);" and complete the related procedures handled at the Board of Education presiding over the school you are transferring to.
In the Event of Address Change (When moving in-city)
The Local Reception Window Division (Chi-iki Madoguchi-ka) will issue to you the "Dismissal Permission Notice (Tenshutsu Kyoka Tsuchi-sho)" and "Admission Permission Notice (Tennyu Kyoka Tsuchi-sho)," so please submit the dismissal notice to your current school; obtain the "Certificate of Student Status/Student ID (Zaigaku Shomei-sho)" and "Textbook Wage Certificate (Kyoka-yo Tosho Kyuyo Shomei-sho)," and submit them with the admissions notice (Tennyu Kyoka Tsuchi-sho) to the school you are transferring to.
Contact Information
Board of Education (Kyoiku-iinkai
School Education Division (Gakko-kyoiku-ka)
TEL: 0748-86-8019
FAX: 0748-86-8380

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